Zola HUB Wattrelos

Welcome to the Lycée Emile Zola in Wattrelos !

Welcome to the Lycée Emile Zola in Wattrelos !

ACSW created a hub there in April 2021 with the help of teachers and 3 classes of students.

The hub in Zola is welcoming the young people who are following the Chef d'Oeuvres course in highschool. They have to create a project within 2 years, by group and with a very concrete implementation. 

This is where SYU comes ! With our 3 coaches and the intervention of our local network, we are helping the students to create their project from scratch and to give it a concrete dimension.

This Hub is functioning 2 times a week, 2 to 3 hours for each session.

Coaches from ACSW started to work on soft skills first such as self-confidence, self-esteem, how to organize yourself and find what you are good at, what you like to do. It is important for th students to start with a stronger base of soft skills and confidence to avoid drop out.

For example, we worked with pupils on their Ikigai (life's mission) and we organized photo shooting in the school in order to change the image they have of themselves (see picture below).

Then, students started to work on their project, always with the supervision of ACSW coaches and the help of some teachers. This is where we used SYU modules and tools such as community analysis, cost analysis, canvas, market study, how to prototype etc...

Different kind of ideas emerged after several months of hard work and brainstorming.

We already have a pop up called Végé N'Fruit who will sell bio vegetables and fruits within and outside the highschool.

Another pop up was created in April 2022 and is about Futsal. They organize futsal tournament and sell food and drinks during the events. They donate the money to a local association who is helping homeless people in Wattrelos.

The last pop up in date is a group of Self-Defense for women. 4 female students decided to create this group and are working hard to recruit volunteers and organize their first session in September !

More pop up are to come in September and al along the next academic year !

Zola filming
Zola filming
174 rue de la Baillerie 59150 Wattrelos