
Administratieve en juridische vereisten
Een overzicht van mogelijke juridische en organisatorische belemmeringen en vereisten
voor het implementeren van SPEED You UP.
Administrative and legal requirements
An overview of possible legal and organizational barriers and requirements
for implementing SPEED You UP.
Approach to building a strong local network from within the entrepreneur HUBs for NEETs in the UK
Approach to map and contact NEETs
Approach to map and contact Neets
Astuces pour une bonne présentation
Attendance sheet SYU activities
Calculer un prix
Celebrity Profiles
Dit certificaat kan aan de jongeren overhandigd worden tijdens een slotceremonie bijvoorbeeld.
Ce certificat peut être distribuer pendant (par exemple) une cérémonie de clôture
This certificate might be used during a closure event for example.
D2.3.4 - Roadmap for Starting Pop-up Module and Session Plan Guidance
A Roadmap for Starting Pop-up Module and Session Plan Guidance
Employability Skills Session Plan
Engagement in project tree
A Prezi presentation to explore the various modalities of engagement with the project.
Enterprise Stories: Gaining skills to gain employment
Enterprise Stories: Having a vision to start up a business and people to support it
Enterprise Stories: Low cost start up idea, designing and making clothes at home
Enterprise Stories: Starting small and building a bigger business
Final report output 1
Framework for building collaborations and making agreements with local stakeholders fo schools
Schools must build a network with businesses, social welfare organisations, etc. This will help schools in setting up these collaborations and agreements
Framework for installing entrepreneur hubs in deprived neighbourhoods
Framework for installing entrepreneur hubs in deprived neighbourhoods
Framework for systemized evaluation and impact measurement for NEETs
Graphical assets
Useful graphics for use in the project, plus a style guide.
How SPEED You UP can help by working with schools
A coaching programme - ‘hands on’ learning style to suit at risk NEETS
How SPEED You UP can help support employability skills by working with businesses
Offer your knowledge, support and skills through schools to support at risk students
Indicator list for schools
This list will help schools select the proper students to engage with
Interview met een ondernemer
Dit document is een stappenplan om je voor te bereiden op een gesprek met een ondernemer!
Learning Journey
A power point giving a summary about SPEED You UP: what, why, with whom, how and results
Life Road Map
Pitch checklist
Check all the points on this checklist before you actually pitch and the pitching will go smoothly!
Pitch checklist
Loop alle punten op deze checklist na voor je echt gaat pitchen en het pitchen zal gegarandeerd vlot verlopen!
Roadmap for teachers
Roadmap to engage school staff
This document shows methods and tools to engage school staff and the link between modules and learning competencies.
Selling the project strategy
This document shows a communication strategy tailored to schools
Selling tips
Ten tips on how to sell!
Serious Games pilot (D224)
A report and survey for the Serious Games pilot
Hier vind je de handleiding bij de SPEED Up Your Skills tool. Deze tool kunnen jongeren en coaches gebruiken om na te gaan hoe het zit met de vaardigheden en (ondernemerschaps)competenties van de jongeren. De tool kan door zowel de jongere als de coach worden ingevuld en kan interessante input zijn voor een coachingsgesprek.
Vous trouverez ici le manuel de l'outil SPEED Up Your Skills. Les jeunes et les coachs peuvent utiliser cet outil pour vérifier les aptitudes et les compétences (entrepreneuriales) des jeunes. L'outil peut être rempli à la fois par le jeune et le coach et peut être une contribution intéressante pour une conversation de coaching.
This manual gives instructions on how to work with the Speed UP Your SKILLS tool. This tool can be used to track a young person's progress in skills and competencies. It can be completed by the young person to auto-evaluate and by the coach to see how the coach looks at the young person's progress.
SPEED-You-Up: Entrepreneurship hubs for young people in vulnerable communities
Turning point roadmap image
Example road map below for an idea for people to develop their own road map.
Webinar about working with (at risk) NEETs
In this Webinar we will talk about why early school-leavers are a problem and how we can motivate and work with them.
Webinar Collaborations
Information about how to start collaborations with interesting stakeholders, supported by tips and tricks.
#SHEDIDIT talents pool
Answer competency-based interview questions
How to demonstrate skills/competencies - a quick video – and what not to do at an interview. Discuss the video – what do you think now?
Explain Everything
Hoe maak je een goede eerste indruk?
Deze tool is bedoeld om met jongeren te werken rond het thema "een goede eerste indruk maken". De tool is laagdrempelig en bedoeld voor een jongere doelgroep (13-15 jarigen).
How to make a strong first impression?
This tool is designed to work with young people on the theme of "making a good first impression". The tool is accessible and intended for a younger target group (13-15 year olds).
Oefeningen om een ​​gesprek over ondernemerschap in een groep jongeren op gang te brengen.
Interview schedule
This interview schedule can give young people a headstart when they are planning to interview an entrepreneur.
C'est une grille d'entretien pour les rencontres avec les entrepreneurs
PowerPoint voor Intro module
Deze PowerPoint kan een leerkracht of coach gebruiken om de IntroModule op te starten in een groep jongeren.
Roadmap for online and in person methods
Statements on entrepreneurship
Conversation starters on entrepreneurship through a statements game.
Survey participants beginning
Survey students beginning
Warming up exercises
Exercises to trigger a conversation on entrepreneurship in a group of young people.
Webinar About SPEED You UP
Introductory webinar about how the project works
Webinar about Support and Resources for Teachers/Facilitators
During this Webinar you get an overview of the different training materials for teachers/facilitators, the goal of SPEED-You-UP with a roadmap to help you throughout the project and an insight into the resources (website and modules).
What, so what, now what?
A powerful online pitch
Astuces pour une bonne présentation
Checklist concernant le pitch
Checklist voor een goede PowerPoint presentatie
Deze checklist is handig bij het voorbereiden van een PPT, bijvoorbeeld in de context van een pitch event.
Comment faire bonne impression ?
Dragon's Den pitches playlist
Organising a pitching contest
Pitch evaluation form
You can use this evaluation form to let young people evaluate each other's pitch.
Pitch reflection forms
Pitch-back to the core
This tool obliges young people to go back to the core of their business idea and will help in preparing a pitch.
Pitcher son produit ou son service
PowerPoint checklist
checklist for a good PowerPoint presentation
Startup madlib
The MADE TO STICK model of Chip and Dan Heath
Working with infographics
Talent and skills
AgreeDisagree Activity
Answer competency-based interview questions
Awkward Moment game
Belbin test
Business Etiquette – Facilitator guide
Difficult Conversation Mistakes
Employability Skills Table
Enterprising Thinking Star
Growth Mindset Students (statements and signs)
How to build Self Confidence (Fun questionnaire)
How we speak to ourselves
Identifying Talents and Being Self Aware
Life Vision and goals creative activity
Memory Game Chef-Waitress-Manager Skills
Motivational Film about talent
Party scenario
Personality test
Roadmap - success/achievement
Example road map for an idea for your own road map
Scenerios Feelings of Anxiety Activity
Simple exercises to help self-awareness
Speech bubbles Feelings of Anxiety Activity
Taking a risk
Taking a risk - Risk vs Benefit
Techniques for fostering meaningful class discussions
Thinking like Enterpriser Questionnaire
This Is What You Do If You Have No Talent
Understanding and Coping with Feelings of Anxiety
Analyse communautaire - jeunes (Powerpoint)
Analyse communautaire - option 1: Café communautaire
Analyse communautaire - option 2: Focus group communautaire
Analyse communautaire - option 3: Entretien et personnages
Analyse communautaire - option 4: Cartographier les entreprises existantes
Community analysis introduction - teachers and coaches
Presentation: in-depth overview of all methods
Community analysis introduction - young people
Presentation community analysis introduction - can be used for young people (to be adapted by teacher/coach)
Community Analysis Manual
To create community-oriented popups, students will have to do research upon businesses and services in the neighbourhood, needs of the residents.
Compétitivité (analyse)
Focus group
Fun Energisers
A game to help students stick to their own ideas/opinion.
Inspirational example: buurtanalyse
Inspirational example: how a community analysis was introduced to a school in Sint Niklaas (CDO Newton)
Instructions community café
Community analysis option 1
Instructions interviews and persona's
Community analysis option 3: interviews and persona's
Interview Entrepreneur
This document is a step by step plan how to prepare you for a interview with an entrepreneur!
Mapping businesses
Online Business Research Table
Astuces pour vendre
Business check
Is your business ready to go? Go through this business check to make sure you went through all necessary steps before really taking off.
Business name generator Namelix
Namelix Business Name Generator: choose a keyword for your company and the name generator will give you a whole range of names (and corporate identities) by using artificial intelligence.
Competitie analyse
Deze tool kan worden gebruikt bij het werken aan de waardepropositie van de pop-up onderneming.
Competition analysis
This tool can be used in working on the value proposition of the pop-up business.
This tool assists you step by step in calculating the costs for making or purchasing your product.
Dealing with demanding or rude customers
étude de marché
Cet outil vous aide à réaliser des études de marché
Hoe vind je een potentiële locatie? (deel van community analyse)
Deze tool ondersteunt bij het zoeken naar een geschikte locatie en een geschikt gebouw voor de onderneming.
How to Sell Anything
How to set a price
Tool to support young people in setting a price for their product/service.
Deze tool helpt u stap voor stap bij het berekenen van de kosten voor het maken of inkopen van uw product.
Looka AI-based logo design
Négocier un prix
Cet outil donne des conseils sur la façon dont vous pouvez négocier le prix.
Negotiating about the price
This tool gives guidance on how you can negotiate about the price.
Persona Tool
Use this tool as a format to develop a persona.
Persona Tool (nl)
Je kan deze tool gebruiken als basis voor het ontwikkelen van persona's. Je kan zelf aanpassingen doen in de categorieën die bevraagd worden of in de lay-out.
prijs onderhandelen
Hoe onderhandel je over de prijs en behoud je daarbij toch goede relaties? Deze tool zet je op weg!
Tool om jongeren te ondersteunen bij het bepalen van een prijs voor hun product / dienst.
Prototyping and gathering feedback
This tool is useful in the prototyping stage of the doing phase.
Prototyping en feedback verzamelen
Hoe organiseer je het 'uitproberen' van je zaak? Hoe laat je de jongeren werken met een prototype, en wanneer ga je over naar een (langduriger) pilot?
Revenue Models
How to choose and pitch a revenue model!
Revenue models video
Session plan marketing and communication 3 sales channels
Tips voor verkoop
Het verkopen van een product of dienst bepaalt het succes van je onderneming. Je moet natuurlijk weten hoe je je product of dienst het beste aanprijst. Deze tool geeft je een aantal technieken om je hierbij te helpen.
Deze tool helpt om een verdienmodel te kiezen en te pitchen.
Balsamiq UI Design/Wireframing
Brainstorm cards
This tool can assist young people in brainstorming about their business idea.
Brainstorming intro
Figma prototyping
Ideation: Brainstorming & Sketching
Let's go real - PowerPoint
Deze PowerPoint presentatie geeft leerkrachten en coaches houvast bij het doorlopen van de dreaming phase.
Miro prototyping tool
NESTA prototypng framework
Powtoon video making online
Preparation of the prototyping
Prototyping framework
The NESTA prototyping framework gives inspiration and concrete tips and tricks to organise a prototyping session with young people.
Prototyping work plan
Rapid prototyping online
Stappenplan bij voorbereiden prototyperen
Het maken van een prototype of het organiseren van een testdag mag niet zomaar gebeuren. Om uw kansen op succes te vergroten, is het het beste om systematisch te werk te gaan. U kunt de volgende stappen doorlopen.
Step by step plan for prototyping
Setting about making a prototype or organising a test day should not be undertaken on a hit-or-miss basis. To increase your chances of success, it is best to be systematic. You can work through the following steps.
Trend cards
These trend cards are supportive for creative brainstorming about a business idea. They were developed in the context of the Allo Inno project at Artevelde University College Ghent
Deze trendkaartjes zijn ondersteunend om creatief te brainstormen over een businessidee. Ze zijn ontwikkeld in de context van het project Allo Inno aan Arteveldehogeschool (
Types of Prototype and their Usage
Black Swan
Part of the toolbox of the BMC boardgame
Black Swan Reverse
part of the toolbox of the BMC boardgame
BMC boardgame manual
Part of the toolbox of the BMC boardgame
BMC community analysis
BMC: an example
A BMC template that explains every element very easily with one question.
Board_BMC game
Part of the toolbox of the BMC boardgame
Business model canvas
Calcul du coût
CANVAS Création
Cet outil vous aide à créer votre propre modèle d'entreprise.
Comment créer son Business Model Canvas (partie 1)
Comment créer son Business Model Canvas (partie 2)
Community analysis potential location pop-up
Exercice 1 : créer son Business Model Canvas
Exercice 2 : créer son Business Model Canvas
Expenses & Costs - How to Spend Money Wisely: Crash Course Entrepreneurship #14
How to Build Customer Relationships: Crash Course Entrepreneurship #10
How to Communicate with Customers: Crash Course Entrepreneurship #11
How to Seek Help and Find Key Partners: Crash Course Entrepreneurship #9
Initial Business Costing Sheet
Initial Business Plan Template
Module Cards
Part of the toolbox of the BMC Boardgame
Module Cards Reverse
Part of the toolbox of the BMC Boardgame
Reference Sheets and Tokens
Part of the toolbox of the BMC boardgame
Réfléchir à un modèle de business
Revenue Streams: Crash Course Entrepreneurship #13
The Core of a Business - Key Activities & Resources: Crash Course Business Entrepreneurship #8
Value Proposition and Customer Segments: Crash Course Business - Entrepreneurship #3
Value Proposition Cards
Part of the toolbox of the BMC boardgame
Victory Point Tokens
Part of the toolbox of the BMC boardgame
Wat is het business model canvas?
Why is a Business Plan Important?
Lessons learnt
Entrecomp playbook
Entrepreneurial learning beyond the classroom
Group reflection table activity
Reflection report
This tool can be used by young people to report on their own SPEED You UP trajectory through a brief written report.
Self- Reflection and Self-Improvement
Survey participants end
Survey students end