SPEED-You-UP website upgrades
The New Refreshed Simple to Use SPEED-You-UP Website Provides a Legacy to The Project as a Fantastic Free Resource!
Over the last few months, DPN has been busy making sure that the SPEED-You-UP project's freshly updated website now offers a set of free curated learning resources and structured lesson plans designed to help young people, whether in education or not, to develop entrepreneurial skills. This now provides the opportunity for SPEED-You-UP to have a life beyond the final closing date which is on the 31st of March 2023.
“We are delighted with the newly refreshed updated SYU website. It's much simpler to use and therefore means that all users can access the free resources much quicker, which is brilliant because everybody is so busy. Through the website, all of the hard work put into the project by the partners will still be able to live on and it can continue to have a legacy and grow.”
Miranda Adams SYU Project Manager, DPN
The legacy and continued support of the project will continue to provide schools, welfare organizations and businesses with ways of working together to support young people from within local now established hubs. There, young people have the opportunity of working on developing and building a business pop-up that will improve their neighbourhoods.
Together with a website developer, DPN lead all partners to provide input in the refreshed design of the site to make the overall user experience much simpler to use, intuitive and overall a really useful resource! The content is now conveniently split into four different types of users, so please give it a go here and click on a tile of your choice to access an abundance of free resources. For further information please contact miranda@digitalpeninsula.com