Partner update - Bournemouth University (Feb 2022)

Boscombe Future Skills and Employment Week - Bournemouth, UK

On October 18th 2021, Speed-You-UP’s team at Bournemouth University attended the Boscombe Future Skills and Employment Week to publicise Speed-You-UP and to attract relevant welfare organisations and local businesses to Bournemouth University’s stakeholder symposium. The team was assigned a stall by the organisers where we displayed promotional literature for Speed-You-UP and the upcoming symposium.

Bournemouth University

Stakeholder Engagement Symposium

SPEEDYouUP (SYU)’s team at Bournemouth University (BU) organised and hosted a symposium in October 2021. This event was a hybrid one, involving SYU partners and external stakeholders in the UK across the following sectors: welfare, policy, education, employment, business, and finance. The goal of the symposium was to introduce SYU to organisations that are likely prospects for partnership and to gather their views on the feasibility of upscaling SYU in the future. The symposium was also a chance for invited stakeholders to network, to assess their fit with SYU’s model.

As a follow-up, the BU team will coordinate with project partners to organise a similar symposium in their respective regions by March 2022. The feedback from stakeholders at the different regional symposiums will aid in identifying policy and legal barriers, which will inform the feasibility of upscaling SYU within these regions.

Dr Carly Stewart, Lead Investigator, Speed-You-UP, Bournemouth University
L-R Esther Anwuzia and Preethi Rajaprakasam at Bournemouth University’s Stakeholder Symposium.